Monday, March 30, 2009


hai people.. hehehe.. hari ni pksa bangun awal salnya...skulah start ari ni. sangat2 meletihkan. mcm biasa awal2 skulah ni nada blajar kcuali LNC. jua lg esuk kmi ada assesment tk LNC. hmmmm...mbri tkajut sja bh n last min jua. so ertinya kmi ada 2 assesment esuk. BAHAYA-BAHAYA. so pksa th kerja keras ni. hehehehe.
btw,happy belated bufday to my cuzin Dinah yg ke 29 thn n ank buahnya Alwie yg ke satu tahun on 26th March. Blm ada gmbrnya. nanti ku posst ahhh... hehehehe n also to my nephew in Tutong, Alif celebrate bufdaynya yg ke 3 thn on 29th March, ia celebrate di Pantai Seri Kenangan, kmi ksna jua lah tp nda btah, asal dtg hehehehe. aku bg ia keta control ja. tp adinya nda tia jua mau2 kn main, ganya abgnya ani pun karit sdikit. hehehe. sian danish. nanti tah amit bli kn ah. kih kih kih...
k, dats ol khal n dila. hehehe. gud nyte. kn bca OP dlu k.... muuuaaahhhh

Friday, March 27, 2009

khal's dady birthday party(26/03/09)

:) :) :)
yeayy,my dad birthday
49 years old..

happy birthday to my beloved babah
may Allah bless you bah
u are the best among the best
the king of our heart
love you babah

here are some photos on the birthday party
and we celebrated it at KHAZ CORNER @ RIMBA
siuuk berabis..
we were all gathering,well,it is juat we family and usu jua
and yg great nya,ada my love lovely sweety pun ada
thats the first time he ikut
siuk eyh
love you sweety~

picture speaks louder than words,enjoooy~

kaka bring the cakestiup bah lilin aa..haha :)babah really have nooooo idea yg atu hp nya baru..
how come aa..haha..
then when he knew saja thats his new hp,
he was searching for his old hp
"mana hp ku?"
hahakaka and abg dimanbabah,mama and syirah
syirah called my parents 'babah rimba and mama rimba'
cuuutee =)

and last but not least
its a special night for the both of us =D

~me and sweety~


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Extra Class and EXERCISE!!!!!

aku n khal ;)

cuba teka bhp nah drg ah..hehehe
apalg..mengadap laptop baru dila lah. HP lawalah...

Hai Assalamualaikum everyone.. hehehehehe.. snyi jua KHAL.. DILA...nada kan kamu post kh?
Hehehehehe. Okeh...aku pun nada yg bnrnya. Just ceta-ceta biasa ja.

On 24th March kmi ada xtra class for shorthand from 9am to 11am. Tp aku dtg ahr dlm pkul 9.25am. Biasalah ada sja tia kn dibuat b4 jln. Thn kmi hbis pun awl ckit aroun 10.30am. So some of us jln mkn sma Miss, kmi nda dpt join sal ada plan awl udh (ambil laptop ka lina di Mall). PAY DAY x ah.. 25th March, k Tasik Lama. Lma dh nda xcercise. So aku n dua org kzn ku pun beriadahlah dsana. Bru jua lg ksna lpas ia beusai. Lawa udh kmu. Hehehe. Dlm siuk2 tu, yg spoilnya aku ni gayat kn tmpat tinggi. So tmpt yg tinggi2 tu selectedlah sja kmi aga, sian c Fatin, suruh naik sendiri nda jua ia mau. Rasa mcm kna tulak wah f ku bdiri tmpat tinggi ah, apath lg mun nada kna buat tmpt bpigang. Tp f nda npk dibwh mcm byk pokok2 ok ckitlh. Cna kn hlng kn gayat ani???? Hehehe. Selama ani ah, bru ku tau diatas atu ada tasik, sian aku. Lbih kurang sejam kmi dsana pas tu bru tah kmi balik. Msa awl2 kmi dtg dlm pkul 4.20pm, blm byk keta, x pkul 5.30pm tu pnjg queue bh org kn parking ah. F ada msa kn ksna lg ihhh. Ah Khal Ah Dila... Hehehe.

Ok that's all.Muuuaaaaahhhh!!!!


Monday, March 23, 2009


Hi.. Assalamualaikum...
Just kn share ceta bulan lapas. Kmi ikut my uncle mengatam ia punya padi, ani kira first time ku mengatam padi, tahun lpas nda ku ikut. Hehehe. Siuk jua lah. Tp nglih sal pnas n apalagi pkai sunblock tabal-tabal. Tp aku join lpas lunch. Pagi aku nda ikut. B4 trun tu kami mkn tgahri ramai2 lah mcm biasa. Siuk jua mcm org dulu2 makan di sawah padi. Hehehehehe. Masak-masak apa disana ah. Banyak jua uleh ku mgatam atu. Hehehe. Nda byk gmbr smpt diambil sal HP lwbt. Ok enjoy. Hehehehe. Bye.
Love, sainisma7982.

Dinah asyik mengatam ;)

Fatin n Wafi tunggu lunch siap

Adik n Aidil
Peserta paling junior, Barizah
2 pix dibwah ani Firah wif ank-ank buahnya. Pengalaman ni ank ah dlm hal jga anak2, nda heran lah kanak2 di Stella mau rh nya. Heheheh

feel the stress

awuu kamu,banar..
terasa ku sudah bahang stress sebab buat homework acc ane
kamu,cana ne aa??
anyone ada idea about this trial balance thing??
aku lagi bangang ne,ex-acc-student aa
cana kan siap ne?
baru ne start kan buat the final acc thing
then sudah ku baca balik,wtf???
mannn,stress hantap jua me tu
paksa correct kan balik..
shoooot banaaar
hate it..
ane,naaah ko,inda pulang ku ada mood kan membuat
nasib ku pajal2 kan jua diri ane,
mun inda ku kuluk2an ko wahai paper
(luahan perasaan tuu)

ok,tomorrow from 9-11 ada extra class shorthand
do wear something not so fasionable + sexy clothes
ok,its a reminder.other wise the guy dalam kelas cannot
pay attention..
aku pun nanti inda dapat concentrate
menyumpah saja
dila tau tu mulut ku cemana kalau ku inda suka
kan dila kan??


ok,until here...

saja kan menyamak2kn blog yg sunyi ane
boring me..
sunyiii bah blog ane..
nada respon..

salam all


Sunday, March 22, 2009

lexus,i want u..huhu

wedding car

full weekends

wedding reception..
yes,thats what i attend this week
well,im not that tired though,coz im
just the part of the acting family,aaa
meaning?? *karut2 dahi*
owwh,what ever lah

so,tonight i am suppose to attend the
ambil2an function,buuuut
hmm,i am kindda tired+malas to go..
aher balik ne for sure

well,thats it..
im tired..
take care..



hehe lic ah bah d kampung ahhh a2 jua nd licak aying betakung

ane tah jalan menuju ke umah..lw kmu kan cari d brunei ane payah kamu kan tejmpa ne jalan ane

home sweet home

hehehe ngambang japs
ok la holiday ane nada tujuan hahaha..baca op ja buang boring memanat d umah..ahax..lw nd mamanat nalur ja..hehehe....

Aktiviti Cuti Skulah

Second day of cuti skulah.. Well nada buat apa2, just stay at home. Nada duit kn blyar n passport kan xpired dh :p. Tp td pgi b4 org lunch aku k ofis antar borang permohanan tk jawatan PKS. Sja2 cuba nasib n ambil pengalaman. Mun kana pngil interview Alhamdulillah. Mun nada cuba x next tym. Hehehehe.

Ptg... jln2 wif my fiance n mkn di restaurant nyonya d yayasan sal tais liur drg punya buttermilk prawn. Yuuummmi. My fiance just mkn roti kawin sal knyg msih. Hmmmm. Thn round di Hua Ho rh sport dept.

Mlm... liat konsert AF7 di rumah my uncle..still like c HAFIZ punya performance.. Keep it up Fiz. Wah mcm th ia dpt bca. Kuang Kuang Kuang... mudahan ia nda cpt bngkak jua. Dlm mliat konsert tu, my fiance gtau kakanya kn khsptal myb kn branak. So msa ku buat post ani tgah menunggu berita lah ni. Yeahhh ada baby baru lg ni... :) Boy? Girl? tunggu ja lah.

Yes!!! sukses download 'Lagu Kita'

ani tah menu kami tadi ptg. hehehe. nyum nyum

Ok.. nanti g update ah. Bye.. Smt subuh. Hehehehehehehehehe.

lovvvveeee, -sainisma7982-

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yeayyyy Cuti...


Awu Khal... kaja x ku kmarin ah. nda ko tau aku cbuk brabis smpai nda msuk dlm gmbr2 mu ah. Hehehehehehehehe.

Just kn ucap selamat bercuti kepada warga-warga sekolah. Gunakan lah masa cuti ni dgn sebaiknya. ehehehe. jgn lupa jua kmu buka skulah OP menunggu. Bebrapa hari lapas tu Shorthand and INA. Kan? Arrggghhh. Ahhh INA pun ada hw kn? tp cana kn buat....blm kna xpleeennnnn? Huh!

To my little sis bibiii... myb ia nda tau this blog, tp ku post jua lh tk ia. Don't be sad.. Takecare always.... iskhh... issskhh... Be strong.... what else ahhh. tu ja x. Td pagi ia ke Berlin around 6 am. Iath nda dpt antar. Td ia ada msg gtau ia kn jalan... sdih jua bca msgnya tu. Masa last skulah dh kmi sdih smpai menitiskan aing mata (especially Ka Lina n Remah hehehehe) ani wah antar ia keta bfnya.. Mudahan smuanya OK.

K, that's all 4 now. nanti g ceta yg lain k. Hehehehehehehehehe.Mwah!!!!!


Friday, March 20, 2009

cuba kmu guess tgn sapa yg tabam ane..ka isma?? oh tidak tgn ny licak..tgn c khal..lg tia kurus ato isi pun nada..muahaha...tgn sapa nahhh..siiiiiii hahaha

mana ka ismaa???? ka isma ooo ka ismaaa

ane nah yg tudung itam ah empunya tgn....kiut kannnnn

olaaaa muahaha muahaha muahaha(ketawa dgn jahat ny)

kah kah kah ook lahhh..aku ne tah urg paling ketingalan kan mempost apa2 arah blog ane..apa pun lp ku ada aku ne kira urg paling kebaruan lah memakai blog ane.. ka isma pn pro dah ahh... haha au la ka isma... so u guyz apa plning kamu tym cuti ane haaa..ku mcm nada planing ja..selain dpd bca op n buat short hand..payah wa 2 shorthand ah,,lw bg c khal mcm kacang plg gnya 2,,au ja khal,,cuti ane pn sejamput jua gnya..kan ngurik idung pn nda hasil,,nd sampat..haha apa kan......emmm apa kan ku post ne ahh..nd ku tau bah..alum ku xpert..nanti tah minta ajar arah c khal...mun belaku jua 2..hehe ok dats ol frm me.....assalamualaikum..


yess,im not dreaming,maaan...
its schoool holidaysssss...
siuk kamu..ive been waiting for this precious
getting so much tired with all the daily routine
in school..
i hope we can use our holidays with joy,
and homework jgn lupa,alright?

yesterday, our school ada cleaning campaign
it was, hmmm, fun i guess *:p*
no comment eyh..
masih ada jua yg inda bekeraja atu..
punduk2 gnya mcm ****
as if 'they' are not the classmate..
siuk sendiri lah
becakap pandai,p buat,nauzubillah,langsung ku
inda meliat ya mendangani kami di luar aa...

ka isma,i am not talking about u..
ka isma rajiin eyh kemarin aa..haha
ok,here is some photos about kemarin punya cerita=)

mar,u are the witch with the broom..hahaibu2 mithali,diketuai oleh ka LIIIINAAAA

and now,last but not least.......
we are vaining..haha

Sunday, March 15, 2009


stress tah tu.. ikut ja mcm aku. ari ni langsung ku nda revise INA ah.mcm org pndai sja. hehehehe. tp susah hati jua olehnya. hhmmmmm mudahan tah ku ingat smua account ani... arrggghhhh... tolong.... Lusa g SHORTHAND...siuk ehhhh.iskh.. iskh.. iskh.. :(

to all PD/SCR/04...GUD LUCK tomorrow..


where should i start??

help me
im so stressssss
im confused
im sick
please help me!!!!
sebab ina ne punya pasal..
i dont even have mood to belajar AT ALL!!!

arghhhhh....shooooot berabiss like ****


much stress;khal-jalil


Hiiii... :p

Hehehehehehehe.. I'm back KHAL...

Hmmm hari ni nada buat papa, just tnggu MUFC vs LIVERPOOL match n AF7 first concert.

Tahniah to Liverpool coz kalahkan MUFC 4-1. Horreeeyyy.. Gol scorernya nda ingat pasal liat AF7 jua tp mybe 1st, Torres (love him so mch), 2nd, Gerrard (adore him so mch), 3rd Aurelio, yg penting golnya lwa , yg last Dosenna. Tp td ada brg pcah sal ada org 'mgamuk' teamnya kalah. Hmmmm.. nda jua kn smpai catu. Org lain liat bula jua. Hehehehe. Tp andang peelnya udh catu. Kih kih kih....
To Dyla, i'm sorrrryyy (pinjam c Amir raja lwak punya trdmark). Heeeeheeeee.

About AF7, okey for 1st concert. Tk performance mlm ani aku suka c HAFIZ n ZIZI lah. Hehehehehe. Sal suara drg lwa. Ko KHAL? Claudia...? awal2 aku suka ia x msa ia kna bg kritikan adakah ptut ia suruh audience tpuk tgn jua msa pengkritik puji ia. Ntah ah, mcm lain rasanya ia buat catu. Org lain kna puji nda jua suruh audience tpuk tgn. Kih..Kih..Kih.. Tp suaranya ok. K, Minggu dpn g liat cpa yg ok lg lh. Ani awal msh. Brpa byk ok ler... :-)

Ahhhh ptg td lpas blik skulh aku 'chill'lh skjb rumah uncle ku, ampir sja rumahnya, alat sebuah rumah. sekali cuzin ku ni beusai lh lwa2 laki bini, pnya drg ada dinner d Empire, TAIB punya Annual Dinner. drg ada theme lh untuk pakaian, ia pakai arab style. Hehehehehe. Adatah ku ambil skping gmbrnya. Scroll ja kbwah ah. Mun ia manang mlm ani Alhamdulillah. Suk tah ku tnya. Hehehehe. K, nanti g post byk2 ah. Ni ahr udh, kn pkul 1 am. Hehehe. k, chow. Gud nyte. Assalamualaikum.
Masrin dgn baju ala arab, serba hitam

Friday, March 13, 2009

'gurls lunch out'

morning everybody,salam semuanya

ok,i lupe nak post sumthing like what i said ast night
so,ne kan mempost tah ku ne pasal kemarin punye ceritee=)

so, kemariiinn *thinking*
INA 2 period miss syidi ambil yoo..rasa waa miss aa
kan catch-up everything..
well,i ok with that though,inda tau yg lain aa..
miss ngajar awal2 pagi is much more better than ia ngajar ptg..
that,all my classmate pun said so.. btw,jgn lupa..
petty cash book ada hw..

then,Practical Computing nada papa
he malas kan ngajar..

oh yaa,tym tengahari,ka Lina, ka Isma, Dila and me went to
'gurls lunch out'.. *duuh,as usual lah*
kami just shopping bali brg di HUA HO QLAP..
ka Lina n ka Isma yg shopping sebenarnya..
Dila and me?? we just strolling2 every each of the department
aduuh maak,punya lah lama kaka2ku yg dua org tu shopping
memilih habis 30-45mins waa..and noe what,they just
went through one department, that is 'STATIONERY dept'..
and aku and Dila dgn bangganya membagitau,
kami sudah jelajahi setiap lorong2 dlm HuaHo aa..
haha,lama waa tuu kami dua menunggu durng kaka2 kami aa..
hahah...*jgn marahh ka Isma*
then sudah puas durng mencuba2 pen (which i can see they only
bought 3-4batang pen) and entah apalagi durang bali atu,
we went to the MAKANAN section..
makan2 dlm kereta saja..siuk eyhh...
'gurls gossiping' lagi tuu
so,before 2pm baru kami keluar dari kereta..
special thanks to both ka Lina and ka Isma,
for treating Dila and me aa yg kebuluran-nada-elaun-masuk ane

so,typewritting nada..i mean inda jadi assesment..
im not sure lah aa kenapa..
kami liat miss atu siuk2 ya becerita dgn studentnya..
p entah lah,inda kami tau kenapa assesment buleh cancel..
inda tau lah aa yg keberapa..
greet2 saja tia eyh...

ok ok..hmm,i guess thats all

ka Isma,kita lagi post sumthing aa...
aku mau kita lagi becerita kali ane..hahah..

ok,until next post..byee

much love;khal-jalil

Thursday, March 12, 2009

special for KA ISMA!

haha...yeaah,this post aku dedicate for my beloved friend/sistaa

ka isma.................

ka isma,berani2 kan tia diri tuu mem post gambar eyhh..
antam2 tah saja mana2 kita kan clik aa..asal begambar aa..
and dont forget, bagi size gambar kita atu basar sikit aa...haha
aku menunggu kita ne mempost...
and very2 poor dila,laptop nya rusak..huhu
just marilah kita sama2 berdoa semoga dapat laptop
yg baru (which is coming sooooo sooooon)
cant wait for it dear..
nanti webcam sama2...haha...
and for my personal thingy,
i miss the BFF alooooottt!!!!
zeemehash,nazysam and kekma..huhu..
hope the three of u ok ok saja di sana...
new school ne maaah,kirim salam lantai merangang aa..
ok,thats tired of typing..nanti cerita panjang2 about
today's punya story line..k fellow??
much love;khal-jalil

Belated Bufday

Happy belated bufday to my cuzin, Finah. Sori nada hadiah. Hehehe. Bnrnya bpa n mamanya buat surprise tuknya. It just a simple majlis n simple mknan tp happenning. Heheheh. Ni ada few pic masa majlis atu. K. Bye. Kn revise shorthand, INA and OP dlu. :p

Tuesday, March 10, 2009



Heheheh... Dyla.. aku th pling sakai lhh.. salnya aku yg last repot kmari.. hehehe
Hmmm.. kn buat apath ni? Pyh wh.. first time TAH TUU... Kih.. Kih... Kih..
BTW msa ni blm ada kn di cetakan sal kmi cbuk dgn assignment.. Jua lg blum blajar cana kn simpan gmbar2 dr c Khal sal ia masterlh ckit dlm blog-blog ani. Heheheheheheheh.. Malu ehhh...

K, Gud nyte... Bye... :)

Monday, March 9, 2009




olaaa,assalamualaikum..ahaha ok aku ne yg paling sakai la kan makai blog ane..kebaruan lah katakan..lw c khal karak dah 2..ukan mcm emm apa ahhh.. yg pasti ny aku blur tym ne..hehe

so apa tah kan ku post ne jua ku tawu ne...bari gali ny ane kmi cuti so nada kan d ceta kan myb isuk ada x kan d ceta..lurus nd khl...hhah apa2 punnnnnn... apa ah..haha..

btw ku woried tym ne..asstmnt ahhhhh..banyak wah 2..mana 1 tah kan d bca dulu nie..p yg pasti ny typ wrting plg dulu kan khal..hmmmm gudluck anwy....

Sunday, March 8, 2009

no school tomorrow

yeay..siuk ne holiday tomorrow..ehe..
p,we have alot of homework..
shorthand, office practice, INA...
payah tuu...
and more over,banyak lagi assesment for the next-next week..
typewritting, 12/03/2009
INA, 16/03/2009
shorthand, 17/03/2009
office practice, 18/03/2009

the more worst thing is, the 3 last assesment atu,is 3 hari beturut2..
huhu ='(..payah..huhu...

ok ok..until next post, diiil, post something..
ka isma, post something jua..ehe..

much ;love; khal-jalil

Saturday, March 7, 2009

hellllo blogging world

khal here :)...
so,welcome to our new blog,dgn persetujuan diantara,me,ka isma and dila..
we get along together,and because of that we want to share story of each other with the others,who i mean is you..
yes,i know u will bit confuse nanti,but,dont worry,u will use to it nanti jua =)..
so,happy new born birthday to our blog..
we will make sure it is update every each day..
dont worry..
and thanks for drop by,dont forget to say hello,opss,nya kata ustaz,bagi salam..
dont forget to say assalammualaikum,correction =)


much love,khal-jalil..